UAE Signs An MOU With People’s Republic Of China For Cooperation In Space Science

28 December 2015

The UAE has signed a memorandum of understanding with the People's Republic of China concerning defining a framework for collaboration in studies and development in space science, as well as the peaceful exploration of outer space. The signing came during the visit of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, to China. The visit aimed at exploring collaboration opportunities in various sectors, including energy, space, financial services, commerce, transportation and education.

According to the new MoU, the UAE Space Agency and China National Space Agency will represent the two countries in exchanging information, studies and scientific data in the field of space exploration and peaceful exploitation. The data exchange will include scientific and research expertise, as well as training, capacity building, lectures, conferences, and other space related domains.

The MoU also covers collaboration in research and development of satellites for scientific, testing, remote sensing, and communications purposes. The collaboration will include services such as launching, follow up, control, as well as developing and controlling ground satellite systems.

The parties agreed to form a joint committee for cooperation in the field of space science. The committee will meet biennially or as required, and will have the authority to form temporary work groups or groups to oversee certain programs. The agreement also sets the ground for relevant institutions working in the field of space in both countries to sign further agreements concerning collaboration.

The agreement comes in line with the strategic bilateral relations that join the United Arab Emirates and the People's Republic of China, founded on mutual respect and trust, and are based on political, economic and social joint interests.

Given its strategic location as a geographical hub joining the east and the west, The United Arab Emirates enjoys special ties with China as a strategic partner and a gate for the People's Republic to the Middle East, and forms an important component of China's"'Belt and Road Initiative", which offers an invaluable opportunity to enhance welfare and economic development in the Middle East.

Commenting on the new MoU, HE Dr. Khalifa Al Rumaithi, Chairman of the UAE Space Agency, said: "The UAE Space Agency recognizes the importance of international collaboration in the field of peaceful exploitation of outer space, as this field is considered a common heritage for the humankind. It is extremely important in our view for all competent entities in this field to work together for a common goal of enhancing welfare of humanity."

"The UAE enjoys a strong relationship with China in various fields, including education, social and cultural fields. We are looking forward to enhancing this relationship via the new MoU, which comes in line with our strategic plans to expand collaboration with China, in what brings prosperity to both countries," he added.

For his part, HE Dr. Mohamed Nasser Al Ahbabi, Director General of the UAE Space Agency, said: "The UAE Space Agency is keen on building on the success of other space programs in its plans and strategies, which necessitates knowledge and experience transfer into the UAE. China's space program is considered one of the most prominent programs worldwide, with a rich record of achievements since it was established. The new MoU will play an important role in developing capacities in both countries in the space sector, and space exploration in particular." 

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