UAE Space Agency Discusses Cooperation With South Korea

27 August 2016

It was announced today that the UAE Space Agency is discussing  means of joint cooperation with South Korea in the fields of peaceful exploration of outer space and space sector development. The negotiations are part of the Space Agency’s continued efforts to build bilateral relations with nations who have advanced space sectors, in order to support future projects and initiatives.

The discussions came as His Excellency (HE) Dr Khalifa Al Romaithi, Chairman of the UAE Space Agency, welcomed HE Park Kang-Ho, the South Korean ambassador to the UAE, during an official visit to the Agency’s headquarters in Abu Dhabi. The meeting included a review of the latest developments related to the Space Agency’s work, such as the programmes and initiatives it oversees.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed the possibility of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) covering various fields of space exploration that are in the interests of both parties. This includes mutual exchanges of space data and knowledge, development of capacities, skills and specialist personnel in areas of space technology and manufacturing. They also discussed the outlook for bilateral cooperation concerning the various applications of satellites.

HE Dr Khalifa Mohamed Al Romaithi said: “The UAE Space Agency continues to develop cooperative relationships with a number of states that run advanced space programmes. As such, we are working towards attaining our strategic goals and plans to develop the national space sector.”

He continued: “With His Excellency the South Korean ambassador to the UAE, we discussed ways of advancing both nations’ efforts to explore space and develop our space sectors. We hope this will be formalised in a Memorandum of Understanding that supports our joint ambitions in this vital sector.”

HE Dr Mohamed Al Ahbabi, Director General of the UAE Space Agency, said: “The UAE Space Agency is currently pouring its efforts into providing its various initiatives with the knowledge and experience necessary for its development, as well as for reaching its goals, and cooperation with South Korea falls within this context.”

The Space Agency has similarly met with representatives of national and international space agencies in its efforts to improve the UAE’s standing in the global space sector.

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