UAE Space Agency previews the country’s achievements in the space sector at the 45th COSPAR

19 July 2024

A high-level delegation from the UAE Space Agency, led by His Excellency Dr. Ahmad Belhoul Al Falasi, Minister of Sports and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the UAE Space Agency, participated in the 45th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) in Busan, South Korea. The delegation previewed key projects and achievements, as well as the Agency’s relentless efforts to foster international cooperation and support innovation in advanced space research.

The delegation accompanying His Excellency Dr. Al Falasi included His Excellency Ibrahim Hamza Al Qasim, Deputy Director-General of the UAE Space Agency; Omar Hassan Al Shehhi, Head of the Space Quality Standards Section; and Rashid Abdulla Al Zaabi, Partnerships and International Relations Specialist.

His Excellency Dr. Ahmad Belhoul Al Falasi participated in a panel discussion held on the sidelines of the conference. The discussion was hosted by Professor Young-bin Yoon, President of the Korea AeroSpace Administration (KASA); Dr. Anil Bhardwaj, Director of Physical Research Laboratory (PRL); Li Guoping, Chief Engineer of the China National Space Administration (CNSA); Hitoshi Kuninaka, Director General of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS); Pam Melroy, Deputy Administrator at NASA; and Mugnuolo Raffaele, Head of Exploration, Infrastructures, and Scientific Satellite Department at the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The panel was moderated by Pascale Ehrenfreund, President of COSPAR and Niklas Hedman, Acting Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA).

During this session, His Excellency highlighted the exceptional growth of the national space economy, with national companies contributing over AED 10.9 billion, representing 40.7% of the sector's output. He emphasised the UAE's advanced global and regional standing in space technology investment, satellite launches, and comprehensive space activities, reflecting its commitment to enhancing its space capabilities. He added that the UAE aims to foster public-private cooperation to attract global talent and investments, making it a global hub for space innovation.

During the session, His Excellency Dr. Al Falasi showcased the national space program’s achievements over the past 26 years. This included the establishment of Thuraya in 1997, which revolutionized satellite communications, and the launch of the Emirates Mars Mission Hope Probe, in 2020, which was a testament to the UAE’s vision and relentless pursuit of excellence in exploring space. He also previewed the UAE Astronaut Program, the Emirates Mission to the Asteroid Belt (EMA), scheduled for 2028, a testament to the country’s pioneering role in this field. He also pointed out the UAE’s participation in the Artemis Lunar Gateway Project alongside the US, Japan, Canada, and the European Union, and the announcement of sending the first Emirati and Arab astronaut to lunar orbit. This reflects the UAE's ongoing commitment to innovation and achieving new milestones in space, positioning the country at the forefront of space exploration and science development.

His Excellency Dr. Al Falasi also ​​explained that the UAE has made remarkable achievements in leveraging space technology to combat climate change, through the Space Data Center project, which is a comprehensive digital platform collecting and providing access to space data for scientists, scholars, public and private entities, start-ups, and community members to develop innovative solutions for national and global challenges.

His Excellency also highlighted the Geo-Spatial Analytics Platform designed to facilitate access to satellite data and support innovative solutions to combat climate change, in addition to the Loss and Damage Atlas to assess the impact of climate change. Additionally, Dr. Al Falasi discussed the Space Analytics and Solutions (SAS) Program and its pivotal role in combating climate change and enhancing food security. He also deliberated the organisation and leadership of the first space pavilion at COP28, which provided a vital platform for discussions on the role of space in addressing climate change and enhancing international cooperation, emphasising the UAE's commitment to innovation and achieving pioneering achievements in space science.

The UAE Space Agency delegation also met with a team from the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KASA), which is responsible for leading space programs, aeronautics, space research, and lunar and Mars exploration projects. During the meeting, they discussed ways to enhance bilateral cooperation, share expertise, and explore the latest technological advancements and developments in the space sector. The delegation was welcomed by Professor Yoon Young-bin, President of the Korea AeroSpace Administration at KASA; Jaehyung Lee, Director General of Planning and Coordination; Young-Deuk Park, President of Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI); Sang-Ryool Lee, President of Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI); Soon-Young Park, Director of Reusable Launch Vehicle Program; and Hyunwoo Kang, Director of Space Science Exploration Mission Design Program (SSEMDP). During the meeting, the UAE delegation previewed several projects and programmes managed by KASA and explored joint initiatives that serve the strategic goals of both countries.

The UAE Space Agency’s participation in COSPAR reflects its commitment to strengthening international cooperation and knowledge exchange in space. The Agency also aims to benefit from the latest technological and scientific advancements, and promote innovation and creativity in space research, supporting its efforts to advance and prosper in this vital sector, and hence solidifying the UAE's position as a global hub for space innovation.

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