UAE Space Agency Concludes Visit to South Australia

17 February 2019

During an official two-day visit by the United Arab Emirates Space Agency (UAESA) to South Australia, between February 14-15, the Agency signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Australian Space Agency. The MoU aims to promote the exchange of best practices, knowledge sharing and enhance cooperation and collaboration between both parties in support of space research and technology.

The MoU was signed on February 14, 2019, at the Australian Space Agency in Lot Fourteen, Adelaide, Australia, by His Excellency Dr. Eng. Mohammed Nasser Al Ahbabi, Director General of the UAE Space Agency, and Anthony Murfett, Deputy Head of the Australian Space Agency. The signing was attended by senior officials from the UAE and Australian space agencies.

Commenting on the MoU signing, H.E. Dr. Eng. Al Ahbabi said: “This agreement builds on the longstanding bilateral relationship between the UAE and Australia, and we are delighted to be working with the Australian Space Agency with whom we share much in common including a passion for space and the vision of becoming important players in the international space community. We are firm believers in the importance of international cooperation and collaboration in space, in line with our mission and vision of becoming a leading spacefaring nation and contributing to the betterment of humankind.”

Anthony Murfett, Deputy Head of the Australian Space Agency, said the signing of the agreement represents the continuing journey of the Australian Space Agency to grow its space industry partnering with likeminded spacefaring countries.

“Nothing inspires our next generation quite like space. Working with key partners who are exploring new fields on Earth using nanotechnology and telemedicine and new frontiers in our galaxy will help to develop our future space industry and boost the kinds of jobs available today,” said Mr Murfett.

The Agency’s visit to South Australia included numerous engagements, and following the MoU signing  H.E. Dr. Eng. Al Ahbabi delivered a speech, on February 15, at the graduation ceremony for the eighth batch of students to complete the Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program (SH-SSP). Four UAE National engineers specializing in the space sector successfully graduated from the SH-SSP under the guidance and sponsorship of the UAE Space Agency. The students, who graduated with merit, include: Hamda Al Hosani, Lolowa Al Kindi, Mohamed Al Karbi, and Abduallah Al Dhaheri.

In regards to the Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program’s graduation ceremony, H.E. Dr. Eng. Al Ahbabi said: “As a UAE National and a representative of the UAE Space Agency, I am proud to have had the opportunity to attend the graduation ceremony of the Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program, and witness the graduation of Hamda, Lolowa, Mohamed, and Abduallah. I hope that their success and achievements inspire other talented UAE Nationals to enter the space sector and work for the benefit of the UAE and humanity.”

The SH-SSP is an intensive five-week program in Adelaide, Australia, which strives to develop students experience in the space industry. The program is jointly organised by the International Space University (ISU), a non-profit university headquartered in Strasbourg France, and the University of South Australia, where the eighth program was held from January 14 to February 15 at the University of South Australia - Mawson Lakes Campus.

The SH-SSP provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts of the space industry, including space science, space applications and services, space systems engineering, space technology, public space policy, space commerce and entrepreneurism, space project management, and space law and regulatory studies. It  involves international, intercultural, and interdisciplinary educational philosophy.

The Agency’s visit to South Australia also included a number of important meetings. H.E. Dr. Eng. Al Ahbabi met with Steven Marshall, Premier of South Australia, and discussed the latest developments in the UAE space sector as well as the future plans of both parties. In addition, His Excellency met with Professor David Lloyd, President of the University of South Australia, and discussed academic cooperation between the university and UAE space research centers and universities.

The UAE Space Agency delegation concluded its trip to South Australia with a visit to the Space School at Hamilton Secondary College in Adelaide, where the delegation discussed mechanisms for developing and enhancing scientific cooperation between the two parties. Last year, the UAE Space Agency sent students to the Space School at Hamilton for training on a number of space principles and technologies.

The UAE Space Agency’s visit to South Australia and MoU signing with the Australian Space Agency follows the Agency’s signing of an MoU with the Government of South Australia in February 2018. Last year’s MoU outlined the parameters for joint cooperation in the fields of space exploration and sharing knowledge and information in regards to scientific research and space technology.

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