Space Academy

What is the Space Academy?

The Space Academy is a program dedicated to building national capabilities in space science and technology to effectively support the UAE’s ambitious space program. It serves as an accelerator of space knowledge and expertise for participants by combining excellent academic and research practices with a unique atmosphere that encourages and nurtures a culture of space innovation.

The Space Academy is specifically designed to accelerate the transfer of space knowledge and skills to individuals interested in a career in the space sector.

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This program enhances academic knowledge with hands-on experience gained through workshops in the UAE. It is an intensive, experiential space systems development accelerator that bridges academic knowledge with the realities of space development projects.


  • Support the UAE Space Sector by producing qualified individuals eager to pursue careers in the field.
  • Make knowledge of space practices available to a broad group of interested individuals.
  • Highlight important considerations in building systems to operate in space.
  • Prepare qualified personnel for upcoming UAE space missions.


  • UAE National.
  • University Graduates in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
  • Emirati Youth.

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