Arab Satellite 813 Project

Satellite 813 is the first space cooperation project between the Arab countries led by the UAE. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai announced Satellite 813 a present to the Arab Space Cooperation Group at the Global Space Conference (Abu Dhabi, March 2019) in light of signing the charter of establishment. This initiative comes as a result of the leadership’s commitment and generous support towards establishing the group and encouraging its efforts of collaboration in space.

The UAE Space Agency funds and supervises the project while the National Space Science and Technology Center in UAE University leads the execution of the project in collaboration with MBRSC and members of the Arab Space Cooperation Group.

The new satellite has been named 813 and refers to the date that marked the beginning of prosperity of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad under the reign of Al-Ma’mun. Representing the region, the House embraced scientists, translated notable texts and produced scientific capabilities.

The Satellite is unique among Hyperspectral satellites in terms of weight, size and efficiency. The agency focused on several factors during its selection, including that the Satellite is to be manufactured inside the country through scientific centers and laboratories in order to build and develop the local and Arab capacity in field of design, manufacturing, assembly, testing as well as satellite ground operations and analyzing the retrieved hyperspectral data.

The project will scientifically achieve and assist in acquiring the following:

  • Assist in environmental mapping and monitoring,
  • Archiving phenomena as well as identifying natural resources
  • Land cover dynamics
  • Crop condition
  • Internal water quality and spread
  • Land erosion and soil pollution versus climate
  • Mining site conditions
  • Geological exploration and detection of rare earth minerals (RE), and essential minerals

Identify and monitor current and future mining and drilling sites for natural gas and oil reserves.

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